The Customs authorities shall grant clearance of export commodities on the basis of the certificates issued by the national inspection agency for import and export commodities. 海关凭国家进出口商品检验部门出具的证书发行。
Almost a quarter of counterfeit articles confiscated by customs authorities were pharmaceuticals, the report found, followed closely by packaging materials and cigarettes. 报告称,欧盟海关查获的假冒产品中,药品占近四分之一,份额紧随其后的是包装材料和香烟。
The formulation and promulgation of the regulatory documents by the customs houses directly under the GAC within their respective authorities shall be governed by the present Provisions. 直属海关在其职权范围内制定、发布直属海关规范性文件,依照本规定执行。
The administration of collection of customs duty, shipping tax and taxes collected by the Customs on behalf of the tax authorities shall be implemented in accordance with the relevant provisions stipulated in the law or the administrative regulations. 关税,船舶吨税及海关代征税收的征收管理,依照法律,行政法规的有关规定执行。
Members may also provide for corresponding procedures concerning the suspension by the customs authorities of the release of infringing goods destined for exportation from their territories. 各成员还可制定关于海关中止放行自其领土出口的侵权货物的相应程序。
Send back to a committee, of a bill. For tariff refund, taxation and customs authorities; 退还委员会,关于议案。关税退税,税务主管机关和海关;
Typical examples are customs duties or restrictions on imports, licences to operate certain equipment types, communication equipment, approval authorities for technical documentation etc. 典型例子是关税或进口限制、某种类型设备的经营许可证、通信设备、技术资料批准机关等。
Import Adjustment Tax will be levied ( or a supplementary payment will be levied) by Customs authorities at the same time as Customs duty is levied. 进口调节税由海关在征收(或者补征)进口关税时一并征收。
Ability to establish good relationship with customs, CIQ, and related government authorities. 与海关、商检及相关政府部门建立良好关系。
Both container terminals agree, however, that the biggest restriction on their capacity is the Nigerian customs authorities 'insistence on inspecting every container entering and leaving the terminals, rather than focusing on the obviously suspicious. 不过,两家集装箱码头公司一致认为,其吞吐能力面临的最大障碍,是尼日利亚海关部门坚持对进出港的每一个集装箱都进行检查,而不是重点检查那些明显可疑的集装箱。
Customs authorities work closely with the central bank to ensure that goods are imported or exported in accordance with current~. 海关同中央银行密切配合,以确保货物按照现在的管理条例进口或出口。
The Customs authorities of China had only adopted such customs formalities as declaration, examination, levying of duties and release which were consistent with international practices. 中国海关采用的报关、查验、征税、放行等海关手续均符合国际通行做法。
China has faced criticism over the past year as export figures from its customs authorities appeared at odds with the numbers recorded by places such as Hong Kong through which many Chinese goods are re-exported. 过去一年里,中国海关发布的出口数据似乎与香港(许多中国产品经香港转口)等地的数据矛盾,这令中国受到批评。
The customs authorities should strengthen the liaison and cooperation with the relevant departments and strictly carry out the border measures concerning intellectual property according to law. 海关要加强与有关部门的联系和配合,依法严格实施知识产权的边境保护措施。
Provide necessary guarantee to the IRI customs authorities in order to obtain the contractor's customs clearances and temporary import and re-export permit of the contractor's equipment; 向iri海关机构提供必要的保证金,以便获得承包商清关及承包商设备的临时进口及再出口许可;
Following the related regulations, customs authorities should deal with the luggage carried by passengers both entering and exiting the country. 海关对进出境旅客携带的行李物品要按有关规定办理进出境手续。
Close contacts with Customs authorities in the Mainland have also yielded encouraging results. 该署又加强与内地海关的联络,成绩令人鼓舞。
Maintain well relationship with customs and CIQ authorities. 与海关和检验检疫局保持良好的工作关系。
He further stated that the establishment of value of imports would be based on the information collected by the Customs authorities and provisions of the WTO Customs Valuation Agreement. 他进一步表示,将依据海关收集的信息和WTO《海关估价协定》确定进口产品的价值。
Two weeks ago, HTC said customs authorities had stopped imports of some of its models to ensure they did not infringe an Apple patent that a US Trade Commission last year said HTC had violated. 两周前,htc表示,美国海关禁止进口其部分型号的手机,以确保他们没有侵犯苹果的一项专利,美国一贸易委员会去年裁定,htc侵犯了这一专利。
The applicant or the party whose goods are attached may apply to the customs authorities for permission to inspect the attached goods. 申请人或被查扣人,得向海关申请检视被查扣之物。
To permit customs inspection of goods imported and exported goods are not fixed, but by the national authorities released at any time. 必须向海关交验进出口货物许可证的商品并不固定,而是由国家主管部门随时调整公布。
The operation involved police, customs and drug regulatory authorities across Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda and Zanzibar. 布隆迪、肯尼亚、卢旺达、坦桑尼亚、乌干达和桑给巴尔的警察、海关和药品管理部门参与了这次行动。
For tariff refund, taxation and customs authorities; 关税退税,税务主管机关和海关;
Since the anti-corruption fight is closely related with the customs of the society, the will of the people, and the existence of the Party itself, restricting authorities at the source is of fundamental importance. 党风廉政建设直接关系到民风、社会风气、人心的向背以及党本身的生死存亡,因此,从源头上即从对权力的制约上治理是党风廉政建设的关键。
Customs represents one of national authorities to supervise goods import and export in one country. 海关是代表国家在进出关境环节实施监督管理的机关。
Customs supervision, as one of the national regulatory authorities, is responsible for maintaining trade order and promoting the lasting and coordinated development of foreign economics. In the past thirty years there has established a relatively complete system of improvement trade regulatory mechanisms. 海关作为我国加工贸易监管的国家机关之一,承担维护贸易秩序,促进对外经济持续稳定协调发展的重要任务,并在过去的30多年里建立了一套较为系统完整的加工贸易监管机制。
It neither just depends on folk customs to resolve these disputes, nor only rely the national laws, but should several authorities be on the spot simultaneously. 基层乡村社会中这类纠纷的解决,既不是单纯依靠民间习俗惯例,也不是单纯依靠国家法律,而往往是多个权威同时在场。
However, in China and other countries, import and export cargoes and incoming and outgoing people are subject to examinations of port enforcement authorities, including Customs, Inspection and Quarantine and Immigration, and traders are required to provide documents and data to the authorities. 然而,在我国及其他国家,海关、检验检疫、边防等口岸执法部门均要求对进出口货物、人员进行检查并要求贸易商提供单证和数据。